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HEYO EVERYONE. We made it to February! Let's see what's been happening :3


- Overall, I knew I felt it sometimes (and other times I felt I was lacking and wasting time) but DAMN, last month was actually pretty productive. 6 decently made drawings and the 8+ request drawings. And that's not even counting the stuff that I have in the background that'll most likely be finished in early February. For now, I got one more under-the-table comm to finish, and then starting some YCH drawings that were auctioned on Twitter. So I'm pretty booked for this month already. I'll see if i can organize a new Commission Sheet by the end :)


- Hmmmmm. It's something. Still see it as an oversized tip jar. Which got me thinking maybe i should slightly raise the price for my 2nd tier to $5. Hopefully giving people the opportunity to support me more and not feel limited (is what i would like to think) but keeping it at $3 is like an unusual, sweet spot for people. I'll think about it.

- Patreon Request were done pretty fast and it felt great. I didn't feel rushed and still finished way before the deadline. So that was kool. I'll hit everyone up again either later today or tomorrow. Again, if you have your request prepared, just shoot me a message!

-Poll Winner turned out fantastic! I REALLY LOVED drawing Rouge. Which got me thinking of ditching the "Poll Themes" for a bit and just make the poll choices "characters i wanted to draw but never got around to it." So, they'll be a bunch of random picks. Stay tuned for that this FRIDAY!

- Last thing for Patreon....I'm going to continue working on that Tsuyu set again. This month is where i make a lot of progress and potentially finish it!!

Personal Life

- Woof. Where to start (if i can recall). The start of the New Year wasn't anything special for me. It just gave me motivation to better myself and plan out goals. Honestly, therapy is the driving force that gets me ready for a new week. I have sessions on the weekend so that gives me the opportunity to decompress and rest. ATM, my folks are out of the country so i have the whole house to myself for a month. SO THERE WILL BE LESS DISTRACTIONS AND I CAN GO WILD WITH DRAWING SMUT! Very Excited! But i gotta be an adult and start preparing for taxes. Other than that, I'm gonna get IN-SHAPE. Just recently ordered some weights and now I'm just waiting for my bench to arrive. I wanna feel that dopamine from exercising again man!!

That's it for the UPDATE! Thank you all for sticking around! Be Safe. Be Kind. Love Ya'll.


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