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Hello November. Hope everyone had a good Halloween. Lets see what's up.


- Has definitely been pretty lackluster on my part. Have only been brainstorming and making quick pics only for twitter. Those are mainly refreshers to not totally burn myself out. But I'm pretty much still feeling slow and exhausted. Comms should still be closing soon. (More info below)


- Nothing special to contribute still. No Poll this month either. All requests have been finished in time which was great!. 

-I'm honestly thinking of the future for this site and things i want to do next year. I'll announce it now that i will be setting a Pledge Goal. Nothing more on that yet except once i do set it up, i'll will be promoting the Patreon a bit more. Like multiple times a Week/ Month. Among other ways people can support me like Ko-fi and Gumroad. So it'll be kind of annoying on social media so I apologize for that.

-For this month's Patreon requests, i'll be hitting you guys up pretty soon. Starting tomorrow most likely. If you already have your request prepared, just go ahead and message me with all the info. HOWEVER, I will probably Pause those pledges in DECEMBER because if I don't finish this month's requests in time, I can use December to help finish that up. WHY? Because I'm still waiting to see if I'll be working at the UPS for seasonal soon. Still no update from my friend and I miscalculated before thinking I would start in October. But we'll see since last November was when I started working. (So they'll stay paused throughout seasonal)


- Still feeling sad and unmotivated to continue comms this year which is why IREALLY want to close them soon.

-AGAIN, Still waiting on my friend from the UPS so i can STOP working on comms and take a Hiatus. 

-Have officially scheduled Therapy appointments. Missed my first one Last Saturday cuz of FUCKING CAR TROUBLES and i was SUUUUUPER BUMMED OUT. All good now!

UUUUUUUUUH OKAY! I feel like that's about it! A little scrambled this update was, but I don't want to keep you guys. But for NOW, I JUST WANT THINGS TO BE BETTER NEXT YEAR for the PATREON!!

See Ya Later! Thank you for sticking around! BEST WISHES!!



Even if work is slow, avoiding burnout is so much better than the alternative! I hope things go smoothly from here and that therapy helps you out a ton! Best of luck!