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You can find this episode in the Ongoing Anime folder that I sent to your DMs! If you didn't receive the link, DM me and I will send it to you as soon as I can!

This episode can also be found on the Discord! If you'd like to join, all you have to do is click the invite link below the server and DM me your Patreon name so I can give you access to the Uncut Reaction room!

Cloud Crowd Discord Link: discord.gg/xaHMS3Q

If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message me at any time and I will help in any way I can 👍




Nice! This is the series I became a patron for, was one of my favorites about 10 years ago, and it barely gets any attention these days...


Yup! Also maybe you've already seen it but the Idol OVA should be in the GDrive folder as well 👍

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One of the skipped arcs had some extra context that makes Nora make more sense. According to Haqua, love is a shitty way to drive out loose souls, because it usually doesn't fix the problem that caused the gap in the first place, so the girls just get re-infested. It turns out Keima's "dating sim storylines" always end with the girl confronting her own problems, so he's unknowingly been doing it the right way. So Nora just skips the pleasantries and flat-out gives her target whatever it is (she thinks) they want. Elsie is just a stupid romantic who legitimately believes love is the only solution and explained everything wrong.