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I have been looking forward to another episode of katanagatari. One thing you have down but ill explain a little more is shichikas personality. He was raised to be a katana . kyotouryuu is a fighting method he was raised to embrace as u know but that means he is a katana he has no emotion and he doesn't think for himself, as a blade he must simply do what his wielder (togame) wants. He is a sharp blade, but togame is slowly teaching him morality, emotions so she is making him more human, but one can argue she is dulling her blade . Also this is the turning point for the show in my opinion its where it gets more exciting, indepth, and where it just becomes amazing my favorite episode is soon and i know you'll enjoy it because fight scenes become more extensive as well as information provided becomes more important hope your ready for the good stuff from here on out.


When are you gonna do The World God Only Knows? In your June 11th post you said you were gonna do it that weekend


Yeah, I'm really sorry for taking so long to get to that series 🙏 Uploads in general have slowed down a bit due to so much going on but right now I'm trying my best to get everything back up to speed. Today I actually just finished recording The World God Only Knows though so that should be up in the next day or two for sure 👍 I really enjoyed the watch btw! The main character Keima especially had me dying 😅


Oh yeah, him being raised as a Katana definitely explains his personality here 😅 Also I feel like the series is going to take a massive turn here too! Before the Maniwa just seemed like nuisances but now it seems like they are actually gearing up to become a huge problem for us. Hopefully these leftover Maniwa are cooler than the other ones we've bumped into before (besides the insect trio, they were pretty cool) 😂