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1: nanami has always had an extremely trail body and been I'll, but she also had power so great that it makes her condition worse. Her body refuses to die and many wished for her to die just to stop her suffering. Also this was basically an April fool's episode because each episode was released monthly starting in January. The joke being that the only fight with sabi u see was the preview. Sabi was the strongest swordsman so shichika is now the title owner. This also states it's not about strong enemies anymore. Just the power of the remaining swords. I love how terrifying nanami is haha.


A lot of people were upset with the joke and quit the anime I hear,. But I think it gets much better and just wait,. It's amazing


LMAO!!! I must say, this was definitely one hell of an April Fool's joke 😂 They hype you up and get you excited for this showdown of a lifetime just to skip it entirely and show nothing but the remains of the supposed epic fight that we were all waiting for 😂