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oohhhhh so much to tell you ill answer your biggest question


1 The trap was her fighting style, all the swords were encircling him and her styles makes use of all swords in the area, she disposes of her weapon and attacks with a new one so he had to focus on every sword within reach and not just what she was holding


2 the guy on the bridge and in the preview was sabi hakuahe, the number #1 swordsman and the fight with him is truly something that will blow your mind out of the water, (anyone whose seen it knows what im talking about haha) Next episode is the fight with him and i must say you are in for one hell of a ride, You will be so surprised i garuntee youll be speechless and just in awe. haha anyways i hope you enjoyed the little showcase of the fight in the preview, i wanted to be sure you saw that.


3. the reveal that shichika killed his father, what did you think of that? i personally was surprised and really curious about it, you will learn why he did it so dont worry. Next episode is when this anime truly takes off in my opinion, i cant wait until then


"Next episode looks intense" you have no idea.


I was actually pretty shocked at first but I think there might be more to it than I might think. It sounds horrible at face value but I'm guessing Shichika had a reason for doing it. Maybe his dad asked for him to kill him or maybe he went crazy with power and Shichika had to protect his sister or something. That's my guess so far


Oh yeah that fight looks insane! Although, since he is the #1 swordsman it is kind of surprising that we'd be fighting him so soon into the series 😅


Okay that makes sense! I'm guessing that her trap would've just ended up being a ton of swords flying through the air at Shichika then 😂


You have a good guess. Won't say if your right. Just get ready because you'll find out the power of kyotorou next episode