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I think you don't have to try to speak almost every second during a reaction lol. Sometimes you can just watch the show and we'll pick up on your thoughts. With this show, there's a lot of details in the scenes that could be missed. So it's better if you just leave the review till the end of the episode.


Confirmed Ten Masters Clan members in the show right now: Juumonji (Burly dude/Head of Club Activities) Saegusa (Council President) Yotsuba Miyuki/Tatsuya (Shiba) All of these surnames correspond to a number, which is a symbol of prestige/strength in their world. The actual number itself doesn't mean anything other than being a number. Juumonji (ten), Saegusa (seven), Yotsuba (four)... The surname Shiba is kind of like a play on double entendres (Shi being another way to say Yotsu, which means four.


That's actually good advice but I think it'd be harder for me to do than most reactors. It just feels a bit weird because (love it or hate it) I think one of the things that set me apart from most reactors is how much I talk and engage with the viewers. I like to give everyone a bit of insight on how I come to certain conclusions while watching and understand how I might feel towards characters or certain situations a bit better. I've been working on that though and I've improved quite a lot when it comes to knowing when to take a moment to listen but ultimately saving my thoughts for the end instead of giving somewhat of a play-by-play as I watch just isn't me 😅


OHHH! I didn't even realize that! I was thinking about why his last name was shiba but he's a part of yotsuba and I completely forgot about yon and shi both meaning four. The only thing I don't get is the saegusa (seven) part. Just because seven in japanese is Shichi or Nana