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Episode 26 Reaction:

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Germain Bigornia

When normal mages see the magical cloth they can tell it has strong magical defenses so thats why simply thinking you can just cut it is hard to do. Ubel while acknowledging it has the defenses sees it as just cloth that can be cut. Remember she says she cant cut defensive magic cause defensive magic is meant to block spells so she cant visualize it being cut with magic. Shes able to separate that from the cloth even though it has strong defensive magic cause she just thinks cloth can be cut and is able to ignore the magical defenses. Senses hair has many layers of defenses but to her its just "you cut hair with sissors". So the point is that normal people are too conscious of the cloths magical defensive while Ubel is able to bypass that by just thinking of the cloth. Most people cant just go "oh its just cloth and you can cut it" cause theyre almost too aware of the defenses that they have to visualize getting through that as well. Also Ubel put fear into Sense during that conversation so Sense probably lost a lot of confidence against Ubel so she can no longer imagine beating Ubel.