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UPDATE: Final touches and alt version added to the folder.

Sorry for the long absence guys.

Here's some tomboy to hopefully make it up to you.

It's a first draft; I'll likely go in and make a swimsuit alt later, and then there's the other pose I have sketched out for her. Link and password has been sent via DMs.

I'll try to upload more often.

EDIT: If you paid for November but withdrew your sub recently, you may not have received the DM. Let me know and I'll send it to ya.



Knotty Sergal

Could I please get the DM?


New sub but not sure if I get so I'll ask if DM is available


I'm not even a new sub and I didn't get the dm :,(


I just double checked, it was sent to you. Patreon doesn't always notify you when you get messages. But either way the link that was sent before no longer works, you can find the art from November in the archive folder.