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Third Princess in a row! The protagonist this time is the Princess of Moonbrooke fro Dragon Quest II.

For this piece I chose to keep her original design from the famicom release:

For comparison, the game got remade for the Super Famicom, and Toriyama redesigned them for the occasion:

IMO it looks worse in every way, and I think the princess is a lot cuter looking like that:

Now for the context behind this scene: the princess is turned into a dog by the bad guy at the beginning of the game, and you need a magic mirror to turn her back

So this scene is most liekly canon as I don't see her wearing clothes in her dog form.

Oh and btw, just like with Peach's previous pic, this one started as an aside sketch I did while I was working on another pic featuring her:

So we should see more of her in the future!




Oh snap! Princess of Moonbrooke?? You did an absolutely amazing job on her!