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I've been in a mood to draw princesses recently...

I first thought about Peach, and remembered this sketch I drew when the trailer came out:

But I wasn't feeling really inspired, so I switched to another one of my Princesses of choice: the bratty Amalia.

Also, there was supposed to be a fully naked variant too, but for it to make more sense I added Eva to the mix which is taking me a bit longer to finish...

...But it will be done soon so stay tuned!




Indeed Princesses work very well in these situations. And to be fair, I think the movie Peach design you did works great and would lend well to either a Bowser victory strip or Mario fails to beat DK so Peach is made to be his nude girl (since apes wear min clothing guess she only get her crown like DK has his tie.


These are some good ideas! Actually I did sketch a followup to that Peach pic, so we might see it soon!