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I haven't posted much recently, butt that doesn't mean I haven't been active: actually I've been drawing a looot of sketches. I will share them soon (didn't want to post sketches twice in a row tho)

The idea behind this pic was that I hadn't shown yet Maxine's butt, so here it is!

This was first intended to replace that old Melusine pic you get upon joining the patreon

instead, with Maxine showing her ass as thanks.

I drew her naked first, then added her armor because I only drew her clothed once, but I wish I had made a nude version too (I usually do but wanted it to be a quick pic) as I like how her back looked:

Oh well, there'll be next times.

As for the... um, variant...

Well since she was no longer naked, I wondered what she was doing in that pond, so yeah. She's peeing.




Hippo Dippo

That is one cute butt! Definitely don't apologize for the peeing alt. I appreciate that you think about the reasons for your scenarios.


Never apologize for peeing alts hope to see more!