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Saw a cool Mabel pic on twitter, so that made me want to draw my own take on an aged-up version. Started drawing her growing out of her clothes (tho I haven't drawn them yet) then remembered the crystal flashlight from the show that makes things bigger so I added it with Dipper. I don't think the usual Mabel would get embarassed being seen naked, but as she's growing older here she becomes self-conscious and discovers the feeling of shame (you can see her "blush stickers" turning into regular blushing). Also I sent them flying here, but if I make a full colored pic of this scene, I'll probably do a version where she keeps her braces on.

Then I realized I hadn't drawn Wendy in awhile, so I started sketching without much thinking. Went with a bottom view as I wanted to focus on her crotch. Wasn't satisfied with how her body looked so I redrew it, then went back again to the original sketch. In the end I may use both: the first one would be a classic "caught skinny-dipping" scene, with Dipper spying on Wendy then falling into the water is face inches away from her pussy. The second one would see a tied-up (maybe bondaged) Wendy being paraded away either in the Mystery Shack by Grunkle Stan, or in the streets by Bill/Gideon's gang.

I may do a poll in the future to settle that?



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