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Hi everyone,

I had some seriously unfortunate thing happen last night that led me to delete my online presence in the ABDL community (hopefully temporarily). I want to issue a refund to everyone who paid for February's content.  Unfortunately Patreon will not allow me to transfer money to my Patreon account to issue refunds. I would need to somehow issue refunds outside of Patreon, i.e. PayPal or Venmo.  Sadly, Venmo and Cashapp do not work with PayPal.

I don't want to share my personal name with everyone, so I was thinking of using a different form of a digital wallet, maybe Google Pay (have to see if that works).

Please bear with me as I figure this all out. 





Hope you’re alright, Lainey. Would obviously hate to see you go. Wishing the best for ya


You can keep my money. Hopefully you’re back soon. Chin up


Don’t worry about a refund for me, keep it. Hopefully we will see you again soon. I hope you are okay too ❤️


Yeah keep the money, hope everything works out in the end for you with what happened. Please take care!


I don’t need a refund. I only hope that you’re able to overcome this problem and hopefully return.


I'm with the others, not worried about a refund. Just glad to have the communication of what was going on. Take care.


don't worry about a refund wishing you all the best and a positive outcome for your situation


Seems like the majority of your fans have spoken. We don't want refunds, we want a safe outcome from whatever is going on. Or take that money to buy some diapers and whatnot. Then take more pictures and share them here.