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ALL  the content, including the monthly doodle prompt collection, is uploaded on the Discord (check your patreon settings to join, this may help) I will keep uploading everything I can on Patreon, but EVERYTHING will be available on Discord!
Thank you for reading.

"Making memories together."


See you next time for part 74!


Jack Wilsher

Can you share the discord link i couldnt find it anywhere


So do they want him to forget, or are they happy he liked what he saw? The girls need to make up their minds, lol.


Hi. Thank you for your support. I see you managed to access the discord. Don't hesitate to send me a private message if you have any problem.

Axel Garcia

Hey how do I join the discord

Axel Garcia

I don’t have an option to connect discord


Hi. Thank you for your support! To join the Discord you need to connect your Discord account to Patreon. To do that you have to follow the indications on this page support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron- There's is no link, as you're supposed to get the invitation automatically once you've linked your Discord account to Patreon. If that doesn't work, I suggest you log out from both discord and patreon and then log back. You may also need to disable your ad blocker and clear your cache and cookies.