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So uh. Patreon Art! ... Yeah about that.

This week has been kind of devastatingly shitty. My grandpa died, and we had his funeral. My grandma has Covid, and we were exposed to her during the funeral. She's also not been doing okay, mentally, since the funeral, and mom wanted to bring her home for a while, which made me have a panic attack because I am absolutely terrified of this virus and-

*Deep Breaths*

Huff. Yeah. Merry Christmas, huh? I wanted to draw something to celebrate New Years, so that it may go public on the 1st, but honestly with everything, I do not have the drive. I will get to drawing it for New Years for good. In the meantime, even though I am feeling pretty in the dumps, I also didn't want to not draw anything. Hence: A Chibi of my VTuber persona, to embody how I feel right now.

Speaking of which, my Debut is still on Sunday. I hope I'll be in the mood to stream, because I'd hate cancelling the debut now that it's scheduled, but, yeah I'll. Be trying to calm down and relax in these next two days.

Hope things are doing better than I am. @.@



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