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Happy Holidays! 

I hope you're having fun in this festive period.

Personally I got caught up in a chain of updates and work for Beach Fragments. I was planning to share something this month, but add here, change there, update that and now it's the end of December, and I didn't have time to properly test every single change to the game and release a new version, sorry!

My plan is to share the new updates next year, both for the patrons' versions and the public version of the game.  

Regarding the post I made back in November and the situation and difficulties with the project, I'm extremely thankful for fans and supporters that showed their care, though that just makes it harder for me to admit that we haven't solved the situation yet.  

For now I will share the updates next month and see how things go. What I can guarantee is that I don't want to give up making my tiny big games for you all, but I hope you'll be able to forgive me if that will require Beach Fragments's development to halt... but let's hope we won't have to get there, though!  

New year, new chances, new hopes!  

Wish you all a happy new year and see you all in 2023!


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