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Update - January 2023

The public beta has been updated with the content of v0.45.

Please check the post about v0.47 for more informations!

[Update 3]

The full v0.45 build is now available to all patrons.

[Update 2]

The v0.45 builds available at the link below have been updated again to remove some bad bugs and some small issues that were still in the game.

Though the core experience is the same, I recommend to get this new build to avoid incurring in any of the many fixed issues. 


The builds available at the link below have been updated with some bug fixes.

My apologies, but once the new content was ready and working I really wanted to share it ASAP and I failed to notice some of the older parts of the game weren't working properly with the improvements I made to the base code.

All should be good and working now, but let me know if there is anything I missed!

[Original Post]

Hi everyone! 

Here's a new update for Beach Fragments! 

Patrons can download their early access versions at the usual links

Regarding the content of the new build, you can find more details by continuing to read this post. Before that, however, I wanted to share the good news that I finally got a new pc to work on! This means I can finally run my own games properly, and loading Unity isn't taking ages anymore. This is a huge help for development and I hope it will show in the game moving forward! 

Now here are some development notes for v0.45 of the game (version number not final, it just..seemed close enough).  

Overall Improvements And Fixes 

First and foremost the game obviously received different fixes and adjustments. 

VERY VERY IMPORTANT: The game can now be played in HD at 1080p. Simply check the options in the title screen to bump up the resolution. Note that some graphics on the HUD won't scale with the higher definition view, but I personally think it looks way better like this. 

Other than that the game received some icon adjustments like tiny changes to the aforementioned HUD and a more proper looking WIP save slot screen. 

There has also been scattered gameplay updates to different areas of the game. These changes are probably not interesting if you already beat these areas, but they do slightly improve the gameplay. 

These fixes are available in all builds of this version, including an upcoming update for the public beta I released last year!  

New Story Event

A new story event is playable in the game.

This event may be not as long as others, but the little adventure of our girls is about to take a sudden twist and entering a new dangerous phase *insert here dramatic music*

This event is currently available on all builds for patrons!

New Boss Challenge

In the Extra Section of the game a new challenge awaits those of you brave enough!

The trained Undine Bruma Limpida will test your abilities using her elemental skills! 

Are you strong enough to defeat this new boss? Go and accept the challenge to find out!  

This challenge is currently available in the build for Kind and Strong patrons and will be available to all patrons at a later date as usual. 


This is all for this update! For non-patrons please stay tuned for the upcoming update of the public beta, I'll make a post about it...likely very soon! 

Thanks for following the development of Crystal Wish and see you all at the next update!


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