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Hi everyone! Here a new update for Beach Fragment! 

This update is now live as super early access for Kind tier and above and will be available later for all tiers! 

First and foremost, let me introduce you to the Fairy Mugtryoshka! (of which you can see the intro in the video above!) 

This is the new challenge in the extra section of the game! A test of jumping skills on cute platforms in what are likely the smallest, yet widest areas of the game yet!

IMPORTANT: Before attempting to face the Fairy Mugtryoshka make sure to check the following patch notes.  There are actually quite a few gameplay changes and fixes to be aware of before going back to the beach! 

Patch Notes

 -Controls and Characters 


Our pink beloved girl had the most changes to make sure she can remain a reliable movement option and great platforming helper without giving her a too easy time flying over the big dangers a certain mean genie (or extra content maker) could try to toss her way. 

Changes to Rosalyn include: 

Limited fly time- Rosalyn will start to descend after a short time of boosting in the air and will need to land to reset her air time (she can still get pretty far though, don't be afraid to be daring with her~). 

Reduced slipping- Rosalyn's controls are much tighter, making her much more reliable when trying to land on small or moving platforms. 

Fixed speed on boost- Before, it was possible to regulate Rosalyn's speed while boosting by using the forward and back directions. As that caused confusion during tests, now Rosalyn will boost at the max speed regardless of arrow input.


Our strong green haired girl only had a small fix to her jumping. Meg's jumps are now more responsive and the 'tap to make a small jump' was recalibrated. Nothing mind blowing, but make sure you get the right feel for it before you accidentally do a small jump at the wrong time and..I don't know..fall in some hot boiling tea for example. That wouldn't be nice...


No changes cause she is perfect ♥...or maybe not, but she is the same for now. 

All girls

Updated how platforms and landing is handled. This should improve the game quality a bit and the responsiveness of the girls when going from platform to platform.

-Stages and Bosses 

•Added a hint in stage 2 after some new feedback proved a part of the stage to be more confusing then I originally thought.

•Minor changes to the bosses of Stage 1 and 2 to make them work better with some of the new changes and balancing done. 

-Dialogue and sounds 

•Some dialogue in the Extra section has been changed or updated with a few extra lines from new characters.

•The sound of the regular melon enemies has been updated! Thanks to a friend of a friend I received some super cute custom voiceclip recordings that makes the enemies sounds 100% cuter and 200% less annoying! 

On top of the patches above there are many more minor fixes that have been done here and there, but these seemed the most important ones to mention. 

Thank you for following and supporting Crystal Wish! 

Next update may take a bit as there's a lot I need to add to the game to move it forward, but I'll try my best to not make you wait too long , I hope you'll stay tuned to see what happens next~


Fairy Mugtryoshka

The intro to a new bonus stage of my current game in development Crystal Wish: Beach Fragment


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