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This post is pinned for patreons to more easily check the new rewards available.

Not all the links are updated monthly and depending the current active project some links may not be updated for a while.

What I can grant however is that I'll make sure to dedicate as much time as I possibly can to game development every month so that something cool will eventually show up in the links~

Here are the rewards:

Smart Tier and above

Kind Tier and above

Strong Tier

Strong tier patreons have access to the betatest channel on the discord, please make sure to join the discord server if you select this tier. (You will receive beta builds that are released as soon as the new content is ready to be tested)


Every build for 'Beach Fragment' at the moment contains a pre-made slot 5 that allows you to skip directly to the newly added content. However, if you wish to use your own save files from a previous build, simply move the content of the 'SaveSlots' folder from the old build to the new build.


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