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Current Build Available: CW_BF_Stage1 

April 2021 Update:

The build now contains all the basic changes and fixes done since the start of the year, plus access to the first stage of the game.

March 2021 Update:

 My apologies for not having updated this post since January. I didn't forget about it, but I had to push development a little further before I could make a new build available.

 I'll post a new early access very soon (Mid April at the latest)! Thank you for your patience!

Original December 2020 post:

Back in November I made the prototype for the new game available to all tiers.

With this new game taking away all my development time, I hope a sneak peak on how it is coming along will make up for the lack of new bits.

Note that the build available with the early access will be a little behind the one available in the updates for higher tiers, but will benefit from all the most current fixes and changes.

Unfortunatly I fear I won't be able to guarantee monthly updates for this, but I hope you'll find the game interesting enough to stick around to see more!



It's okay. Just take your time and enjoy the process.


The game is looking pretty awesome so far! I'm excited to see future releases.