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The update of this month is about the next part of the beach game, following the tutorial/intro made available in July.

Right now I'm working to the event that will connect the intro to the main adventure. 

This was supposed to purely be a story sequence, but I decided to add a little extra tutorial in it that will complete the showcase of the game's features.

In addition I started to rework and finalize the code managing boss battles in the game. This had to happen and asap as it is one of the key aspects of the game and therefore I'm giving it my full attention. 

I can't promess you'll see something super cool right away, but I want to have everything working in the right way so that the game will be able to have some epic boss fights when the time comes~

This is all for the update, but if you want to know a little more, I got a link ready with a couple of screenshots (but obviously SPOILER WARNING!!! click at your own risk).


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