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Hey again everybody! Just wanted to let everybody know that I will soon be opening commissions to non-patrons as well, starting with people who have already commissioned me in the past.

You guys, as my supporters, will continue to receive priority! So far, four of you have received a complete commission. It's been a great experience to get back into and I'm very excited to do more.

If you want to get a commission from me now before I make them more broadly available, please don't hesitate to let me know! I'll be happy to work with you and answer any questions you might have.

A huge thanks to all of you for your continued support! To those of you who have gotten their commissions, thank you so much for choosing me to draw your characters. I hope I've done them justice!

I never expected my following to grow the amount it did this year, so I'll be looking for ways to get more rewarding content to you guys for all of your help. I've never had this many patrons at once and I can't say how grateful I am! More to come soon!?



Again, I'm glad you're getting back into the swing of things! Unfortunately, I'm not able to get one, myself, no proper income and all, but I'm glad to be able to support you as much as I can!


I would like one o:


Don't worry! I can't thank you enough for the support you already give me 💜


Thanks so much for your pledge, it means a lot to me! Check your messages.


I'd love to! I'm really excited to commission you for the first time!


I’m interested


Thanks for the donation! Message me and let me know what you had in mind.


Messaged :)