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Matedolce reporting in, just to let everyone know I'm not dead yet... sorry for keeping quiet all this time, I know this is not the announcement you were waiting for.

I have almost everything done, the animations are almost complete, I have everything written and I have to finish one more CG that I already started, but putting everything together is taking me longer than expected.

I've encountered several problems, not bugs per se, Ruri's minigame works fine, but as she reacts and her mood changes (dialogue-wise) depending on the result you get, there were a lot of things to take into account... too many variables. So I spent a lot of time working on that to make the dialogue make sense wherever you come from.

Now I have to finish the animations, and what's taking me time are all the little movements, the twitching, the expressions, and other finer details.

Release date

I'm terrible at estimating dates or gauging the amount of work I have left to do as you can see. On paper, compared to what I've already done, what I have left to do seems insignificant, but merging it all into something playable is taking me ages... even making that drawing of Luna and writing this post is taking me a whole day.

I have a final exam coming up, but I'll postpone that and my graduation so I can finish this update. I want to have the Patreon release ready in about 2 weeks, sorry I can't release it this month…

Changes going forward.

What was originally going to be an update that would take 3 months to develop keeps racking up months, I feel like I'm never going to finish this game... so after the updates I already have planned for v0.5, or maybe sooner, I'm going to step on the gas in terms of plot and secs to wrap up the story and give Android LIFE an ending by 2024. 

I'm not abandoning the project, don't panic, but considering how slow I am to develop even when I'm trying to focus on speed, it's probably best to start steering the ship in the direction of the goal since it takes ages to turn.

Then again, sorry for the delays, development is my #1 priority, but I still need a couple more weeks.

I’m going back to work, bye!




Dang...the story so far really felt like the end of Act 1 of 3, not nearing the end...I would have loved to see this go for a while longer.