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More like no progress update amarite?

Now for real, I'm sorry, I've lost count of how many times I've had to apologize for the delays with this update, I underestimated the amount of work that was left to finish it properly, I mistakenly thought "yeah, this will take me another week at the most". The bulk of the update is there, animations and CGs done and that's what I focused on working first, but the assests were missing to make the game a game, otherwise I was going to end up as a VN again and defeat the point of what I did for the last update.

The truth is that video game development, even one as simple as the one I'm doing, is beyond me, I'm mostly an artist (barely) so I got a bit overwhelmed once the development started to get more complex. I tried to move forward with the code I had but it just wasn't going to work, that's what delayed me the last update and I left it as it is so I could to release it, now I'm dealing with the consequences. What I did now to move forward is basically to make a copy of what I had done for last time and add a " _035"(for the version) to the variables to do it.

The reason why I've been quiet this time (besides being too embarrassed to show my face after so many delays) is because I made mostly assets that are not so exciting to show, like backgrounds and the girls in the environments. Also code and those things that are not fun to show.

I'm so close, but at the same time I don't know if I'm going to get stuck in some stupid thing again because of my lack of experience, if I knew everything was going to go well I would tell you one more week, but I know the climax meter of Luna's scene is going to give me problems so I don't want to promise anything. I'm sorry for the delay, for the next update I will do everything together instead of working on the animations and cgs separately and then the code to give more accurate times.

Also talking about the next update, I probably won't offer the polls to choose scenes this time because it's quite focused on the plot, only two scenes (Mia and Rea) but I know they will require a lot of work (three sets animations for Rea's scene only) so adding another couple of scenes would stretch a lot the development time. It's something I didn't want to do since those votes are one of the few things I can offer to my patrons for their support... but I'll see when I finish this update.

I'm going back to work... bye.




You’re an awesome artist bro, one of the most distinct games out there


Hey, no pressure. We love you for your work.


You're learning as you go man, we pledged because we like what you have made and so you gaining experience to further improve your work makes the wait worth it


Thank you for the update and I agree with everyone else here. No rush, take your time. :3 I know the struggle of getting into coding for the first time. It is not about learning how to code, but to learn how to think logically to solfe problems within the code. Just stick with it and at one point you will be fluent with it. ^o^ So anyway, enjoy your weekend for now and take some rest. No overworking! o/


Coding ain't easy partner, that is why you take your time! Other programmers take their time with there project, so should you! We will support you no matter what!


If I correctly unerstand, you are suffering from code base. As a colleague (I'm a developer, but in other sphere) I recommend you to revise your architecture, stop extending functionality, fix the problem - make your architecture more scalable, then add to refreshed code your old cgi (or possiblechange it) and after that return back to extending your game. If you don't stop earlier, you will have a lot of problem in the future, and releases will be delayed more often, than now. So, good luck in yours game!