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I am super excited because this means that you all have access to videos again! I don't have every video up yet, but I will be uploading daily and on Friday I will add the February videos regardless of where I am at in the posting process!

To access the videos you need your Patreon login, let me know if you have any issues by messaging me or in the comments.

I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane! shygoth.com/

*EDIT* I also have a pretty nice tag system so if you want a video type try it out! 


Shy Goth

This site contains content intended for individuals 18 years of age or older as determined by the local and national laws of the region in which you reside. If you are not yet 18+, leave this website immediately.



The trip down memory lane has been very nice


Hooray! Hooray!!


Wow the look of it just suits you so perfectly (I like the font 😊)


Do you or your husband allow individuals to follow you at a respectful distance in order to see your stunning body in the flesh?


I don't meet up with fans if that's what you're asking. But people do spot me when I'm filming and follow a bit, which is fine!


Congratulations on your new site. I have an issue though. The full screen mode of the videos don't work.


can you give me a quick rundown of how its not working, like what you did to get to that point, if you're on phone or what web browser, etc...


yeh actually i've got the same thing. Same issue with both Chrome and MS Edge on my computer. Basically for me only the progress bar goes full screen, but the actual video "box" part never expands


I tried MS Edge and Chrome browsers on my computer as well. The video "box" moves to the top of my screen when I click on the "full screen" icon, but it stays the same size and won't expand to full screen. The rest of the screen goes black with the progress bar at the bottom.


I also have the same issue on my android phone.

Michael Powell

Came here to report the same fullcreen issue, and see a bunch of people beat me too it. My experience is the entire screen goes black, and the video moves to the top middle of the screen, but it's still the same size it was in the page. The progress bar and other controls expand properly as you'd expect. In general, the site looks awesome, though! Do you plan to eventually divorce it entirely from Patreon, so you're no longer subject to their rules?


I can't even play the videos. Using Firefox on PC.


It looks to me like both the Firefox-not-playing and the Chrome/Edge-don't-expand issues have been fixed! I hope that's true for all of you, too!


Congratulations!!!! I gave up on trying to find your older videos, here on Patreon, so your new site will provide much easier access! :)


Can’t log onto my patreon on your site. Not sure why.