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So its the end of my second month here and we're almost up to 50 patreon! Last month I only had 17 so this is an incredible improvement and I'm so excited!

This month I actually posted 9 videos but I want to switch my focus from a weekly view to a monthly view. What that means is that I have been posting a "long" video on Fridays with "short" videos on Tuesdays but that gets hard when I sometimes make two short (or two long videos) in one week and then have to rush to make the other type. I want the quality of the videos to be the best and this new posting system will help with that.

What is the new posting system?

Still eight videos a month but the type of video will be random for example, some times two short or two long videos will be in row. But it should be the same result in the end. This will give me a bit more freedom for setting up good shoots for you guys.

For now I am planing to post on these dates in June:









I'll try to stick to these days, what do you think?



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