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👻Thank you all for all of the phenomenal and incredibly unexpected support. It has been so much fun and remarkably inspiring to see all of your recolors, edits, fan art, and unity wizardry on Pancake the goblin! I am so glad that I decided to start learning 3D modeling. Shout out to Hobbert for encouraging this decision.

🧹Speaking of wizards, I'm a behind schedule on my witch girl that I want to release early this month. I promise she's coming very soon. Weight painting and rigging are both still very tricky to me, but I'm getting faster!

🧙In the mean time, I don't want my patrons going 1/3 into October empty handed. So, at the very least, here's her hat as a sort of "early release" or "thank you for your patience" or "celebration" or something like that. Bottom line is I'm appreciative of you guys. Also, it was made with cloth physics simulation which was very neat to learn and crashed my Blender, like, a lot.

🕯️Oh yeah, one last thing. Please feel free to give this hat to your friends, patron or not. Nobody should be without a spooky accessory in October, so this post is public!

🎃Happy spooky month, love you all! 



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