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Hi everyone! I'm very happy to say that since I've reached the end of my endless queue, I'll be able to open commissions again at the start of March!

The form for new commission requests will open Sunday March the 3rd, at 11 AM EST, and will remain open all day until 11 PM EST.

I will be selecting the 60 ideas I like the most, and send emails to everyone who applied the day after with a notice on whether you've been selected or not. If you'd like to maximize your chance of being picked, opt for single character wing-its and look at my portfolio to see the kind of scenes I have a weak spot for ;)

Start thinking of your ideas now, remember to include your Patreon discounts if you're in a higher tier, and remember that with my queue you don't need to pay in advance! You'll just have to pay when I'm ready to work on your commission, and will have a window of two weeks to do it.

I know it is PAINFUL to have a limited amount of slots and such a reduced variety of commission types, (trust me, I hate it too.  😫😫😫)  But it's a necessary step we have to take in order to fix my ridiculously slow process and have more frequent batches (which means more chances for everyone to get a commission, and to use their Patreon discount)

If you have some questions or doubts about this new commission process, feel free to contact me or leave a comment below! Good luck, thank you for bearing with me, and see you on the form! :)




I'll be trying to submit a form for sure. And the next batch special being comic pages is very exciting. 60 slots is a lot of slots, you keep saying your process is slow, but I'm really impressed by how much you can draw! It's awesome to see you have a plan and so much ambition ^-^


We're so back


"max 2x patron" 2 slot limit right?