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Hello gents, I have posted the final page of the comic on the blog so go have a look. http://shiincomics.tumblr.com/ (password related post for new patrons; http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1066513 I'm thinking about geting around do doing part two of the robb and alexia comic that I posted a couple of years ago. (for those who haven't seen it http://g.e-hentai.org/g/549725/88c7f518a9/ ) So there will probably be at least 2 weeks till the next comic page but I will keep you up to date, I want to initially post more then one page etc. I will throw around some ideas on alexias apperance and work on a charcter sheet that I will post here first so you guys can have a look. If you have any opinions about this idea feel free to leave a comment. This part 2 will probably not be that many pages since we are kinda already in the action of it all, but it will be a shower/bathroom scene. Stay awesome /shiin



Great as expected, it was a cool comic that get better as it came about. On Alexia, I think that you should remember she was the original poster girl. Also remember the tattoos as only Lin have some of them, oh and Rita has another also. Keep her curvy and sexy and you will not have complains from me.^^


A good page to end it on, great look at Ino getting stretched out. All in all the comic was fantastic, I think I liked it more than the last one, so consider yourself continually improving! Alexia part 2 has been long awaited by many, so I can't wait to see her redesign. Stay awesome Shiin :D


Looking back at the old Robb and Alexia Comic, which I still enjoy reading by the way, its crazy how much better you've gotten in a couple years. I can't wait to see the new Alexia. As far as Alexia's appearance. I think it would be cool to change things up a little bit. Maybe you could make her a little more toned than most of your female characters. Not over muscular, but maybe just give her a slight bit of abs and more muscular legs. Of course she would still have those giant tits and huge ass ;) I don't think anyone here would mind if her tits and ass somehow got even larger over the last couple years either..haha


Sounds like an exceptional idea! not only does it get us an update on a classic Shiin character, but we can see in comparison how far you've progressed! On the front of her new look, the star breast tattoo is a nice touch, and increasing her bust a little sounds like a fine idea. Might even be a decent joke that she's bustier now but isn't exactly forthcoming as to why. Her hairstyle is still fitting of her though, since I don't think any of the girls actually g o for loose hair at that length. Eager to see it, as we all are!


Indeed, well I will try some different versions of her, see how it goes, but some star tattoos are probably in order or something like that : )


Thanks! Well glad to hear that, I think I did like this one more to ^^ Learned a bit since i did the previous one i guess, you stay awesome to mate!


Hehe well that's true, past and present skill, the pressure is on ;D I was thinking of making her a bit curvier, but I have nothing solid planed at, but indeed her hair will still work!


Thank you, well It's good that the progress shows i guess ^^ I was actually thinking of giving Rita a bit more of this look, slightly muscular, reworking her just a little, it would be fiting to her occupation and her past. But Indeed I intend to maker her a bit curvier then her older version : )


oh, and another, possible thought, maybe if a bunch of good -or at least decent- ideas crop up, having a little poll with things like "bigger breasts". "bigger butt", "star tattoos", "hairstyle change" or say "facial feature change" just to gauge the fan response or have some community input. Might be fun for a laugh or two, even if they don't get implemented~ Whatever you do, I'm sure she'll be super sexy and arousing (and probably stacked something amazing~)


possible, I haven't quite figured it all out yet, but I might take some ideas, unless I find a design i really like, and hopefully if so other people will to :D