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  • give_em_a_poke_webm_1.webm
  • give_em_a_poke_mp4_1.mp4



Something to get the gears in my head turning again, since I've been a bit down n' out, and uninspired as of late. Something came across my mind at work yesterday and I found the time last night to make a little animation. Though It's only a one second loop, I thought it would be best to put it in a gif format (I'll drop an optimized gif in the attachments for smaller file size, since gifs are a butt) mp4 and webm also in attachments if you wanted em~

One thing I might do before the end of the month is reduce the patreon tier prices. I think it's only fair because my output speed really doesn't justify a subscription. I appreciate all you who are sticking around, thanks a bunch. If there's a theme or animation you'd want to see more of, leave a comment or message me,




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