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Please, if you wish to add your suggestions for this month's poll pre-selection process, check these points before leaving yours in the comments of the socials of your choice!


1) Leave a comment with as many character suggestions as you wish, but they must all be OCs, be them your own or from other artists/owners (although if you are going to suggest someone else's, please make sure to keep in mind if the owners/artists in question would be fine with it).

2) This is a pre-selection process, meaning that I will personally choose up to five characters from the total of the suggestions that come my way. Once those five are selected, the actual voting to decide which of the five gets a piece made of them will be reserved, as per usual, to the choice of our Silver & Gold ranked Patrons.

3) You can present either or both Amateur/Unknown/Personal OCs & Professional/Famous/Popular OCs in your suggestions. However, do keep in mind that I will ultimately either pick 5 less-known OCs OR 5 well-known OCs, but won't mix them up in the final 5. This is to avoid unfair competition (no point in pitting barely known characters against ones with an established fanbase).

4) References are obligatory to be considered. Links to images (or any media) of the character/s in question is a must. No exceptions.

5) Your suggestions will all be taken into consideration until the deadline (which will be by November the 20th, 12:00 PM at GMT -3). Once the time's up, the private VIP Poll will be set up here for all Silver & Gold Ranked Patrons to vote on, which will take a week.


Having said all this, if you have any questions, please make sure to leave a comment and, if possible, I'll try to address it!

Fate out!!



Well, here's a couple of mine Annabelle: https://www.deviantart.com/drake-rex/art/Annabelle-787761884 Catrina: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/984977669902962688/1175499276600746104/Catrina_design.png?ex=656b7403&is=6558ff03&hm=76e0b06e6371ca3ec8eb270a6b17d939aeae28a4f5fcb0d7dd1cdb65f8b37bb8& She's a super quick design I did like a year ago, I've yet to refine her design XD

David Grittner

Well, here's mine. https://www.f-list.net/c/ShadRaid-F All the relevant pics are in the profile here, but I can edit my comment to add direct picture links if that's preferred. Name's Shad Raid, and the art is *not* mine. Two different artists were commissioned, and now I'm being teased at the chance to see her made by you!