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Hello everyone!

I hope you are good.

I made a small form with some questions about what you want from this Patreon in the future and about what content you'd like to see in Haven: [Form Link] 

I'm still working on the next chapter of Magical Battler, but it is taking a lot of time.
I know that the game will end on chapter 17. This means there are two chapters left.
At the moment I'm doing some tweaks to the story so I feel satisfied with how things will flow.
There is a good chance I'll end up bundling the two chapters together, which means that the next update will be both chapters together.
This also means it will take me even more time to finish things up.

Once the main story is finished, I plan to keep on adding side quests so every person in the game can be reached to a 5 start friendship, so there is a lot of work to be done before the game is actually finished for real.

I decided to start Haven because it is something I have been working on and off for years.
I had other game ideas that I might work on in the future, but it is hard to balance wanting to do new things and keeping the old ones alive, but the way my brain works, I need to switch gears to avoid getting burned out (between this, my life and my day job things can get overwhelming every now and then).

I hope everyone is doing fine.
Tons of hugs and thanks for all the love and support.


Eric lutz

For Magical Battler I love all the side stories and seeing which characters are into each other. Can’t wait to fill up the Basement and Sauna