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Hello everyone.

Yet again I am pausing the Patreon.
Last month was a bit hectic at work and with other things (nothing bad, but among other things family visiting and preventing me from doing adult work).

I am working on Magical Battler, and unless things go bad, I am hopeful about having a new chapter out by September.

Here is the art for the enemies for Chapter 14:

Also, since I enjoy looking it grow, here are the human portraits so far.
We have over 100 now!

I'm trying not to add too many, but the rooster just keeps growing.

I will try to focus on this month to finish up chapter 14 and take time to do other things.
This has been the biggest project I have ever done, and I have the itch to do other things as well.

Thank you all for your kindness and support.



Santiago B

Ohh I love the yelow dog !


That's fair, hope work goes more smoothly for you next month. And thank you for your continued work! Definitely liking the new enemies in this image