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I finally finished Chapter 12.

[Edit: Updated with some small fixes]

We get to explore the last part of the map.

I am also moving the game Guide and the Help questions into a new place:

I hope it's easy to use.
On the Cast section you have all the available characters with information on how to befriend them and what items they sell/give.
The befriend information is hidden to avoid spoilers.
This section also shows where to find them. (I will be updating this as I update the in-game people section).
The 🏡 icon will show where they live.
The 🌞 one will show where to usually find them during the day.
The 🌜 one will show where to usually find them during the night.
The 🛌 icon shows up to let you know that you can sleep in that character's bed after you befriend them (the level may vary on the character).
The 💗 icon shows where you can replay any special interaction.
The 🧭 icon will highlight on the map the general location.

The Map section shows the whole area.
You can hover on each house to see who lives there, and if you click on them you'll see their information.

The Walkthrough and Help sections will help you out if you get stuck at some point, or if you need some other help.

Remember that there is a Discord chat (Patreon will invite you automatically if you pair your account, you can DM me if it's not happening) and a Telegram chat (less active but you are always welcome to join): https://t.me/joinchat/FBFnCiXf4noPqWll

Thanks everyone for your constant support!
I hope you are having fun with my games.
I will be posting again soon with some of my life updates.

Be safe!




Hey I just completed chapter 11 but chapter 12 won't start for me


Once chapter 11 is finished, Phil should keep telling you he found something odd. If this is not happening, something might be wrong. Can you tell me what does the menu say you have to do next? (On the lower part of the screen opposite to how much money you have).

Lucas D

I am really enjoying the game. I can’t wait to next chapter. You doing such a great job thank you.