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Chapter 11 is here!


[Edit: Updated link with bugfixes]

Here is a help document with all the most common questions I get: [Help]

We finally get to visit a place that has been around for some time.

I expanded a bit more the information that shows in the character's profiles.

After certain levels of friendships some characters will have some of the following information:  
🌞 - Where character is usually during the day.
🌜 - Where the character can be found during the night.
💖- When you talk to the character in this place, you can have a special interaction.
🛌- You feel comfortable enough to user this character's bed to sleep.

This means that the player no longer needs to go home to change the time of day.

Just a reminder that there is a Discord chat (Patreon will invite you automatically if you pair your account, you can DM me if it's not happening) and a Telegram chat (less active but you are always welcome to join): https://t.me/joinchat/FBFnCiXf4noPqWll

The Guide is updated for the newest release, including the walkthrough.

This help document here explains how to export and import save files. Please be careful when using this, since you can lose save files if you are not careful.
That document also explains how to transfer an older save file from the itch.io version of the game. (This cannot be done backwards, since itch.io is usually one or two chapters behind).

Thanks everyone for your constant support!
I hope you are having fun with my games.
I am working on the second story for Tales of Auris, and will start doing things for chapter 12 of Magical Battler soon as well.

Be safe!



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