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Hello everyone!
I hope everything is fine. I'm doing ok, and this is more of a general update, because I tend to get really into my work and forget to post here.

First, some updates on Magical Battler.
I am working on the next chapter and things are going smoothly.

I'ts amazing and a bit scary to see how big the NPC rooster has gotten.

Here is a compilation of all the human portraits I have done so far:

As a note, you might see characters that have not showed up yet, because I tend to do some chapters in advance.

Now, about ManCandy Crush, I haven't done a poll this month, because I started using that time instead to work on something a bit different.

I decided it would be nice to write something with the characters of that game (the Auris map to be precise).

Since I already have way more projects and ideas that I have time for, I decided to make a very short story, and if you like them and things go well, keep adding more stories to the game, making it a kind of anthology series.

The game at the moment is called Tales of Auris.
The art style is less refined, since this is a side project that I work on when I need time off from bigger things like Magical Battler or my day job. 

Here is a screenshot of how the game looks at the moment:

If everything goes well, I will be posting this game before the end of the month.

Thank you all for your support!



Looks like you'll be adding Duncan. Nice