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some people had some issues with the Archive and password. For some reason MEGA was not saving the password but it seems to be resolved now. The password should still be the same :)


Hey everyone!
New month, new update!

Sorry for the late response, I had a fairly busy weekend! But like usual links and passwords have been updated so do check your DM's for those. If you have not received the links then do leave a comment or shoot me a message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

This month will be relatively simple. I have an idea for a Valentines pic with the Gym Girls and also might do a Romantic character poll this month :> Theme would be something like hearts, So if theres a character in mind that is known for romance and love or has hearts integrated into their design then they are fair game!

I'll upload the Character suggestion post later as I think its too minimalist for something like this lol so just keep those characters in mind!

For those curious about the updated references, they might reside in the background for now so no updates just yet.

With that I hope yall have a good day!


Mike Smith

I wanna get all hot and personal with Miss Janet~ 🤤


So no sequel to last year with moria ? Oh well I'm good with anything if it's your work


hello! I just joined, I'd love to get access to the archive