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Hello! If you've had issues with the patreon app not showing drawings, please try out this step by step guide I was given by patreon help center: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033433931-Troubleshoot-problems-on-the-Patreon-app

If you still have issues, patreon help center has told me that you'll need to reach out directly to them on: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us

Here's the email I received regarding it as I myself reached out to tell them my patrons had issues with the app not showing my art, I hope it helps, as I'd love you all to be able to see what you've paid to see!

The email in text form if you can't see the screenshot:

"Benjamin (Patreon)
Dec 29, 2022, 12:45 PM PST
Hello There!

 Thanks for contacting the Patreon Community Happiness team, My name is   Benjamin and I am happy to help today.

 Sorry to hear that your Patrons are experiencing this issue.

 I wasn't able to recreate this on my end, but that usually means this is a   simple fix!

 I'd recommend having your patrons try the steps listed at:
Troubleshooting   Patreon App

 If they continue to have this issue, it's usually best if the patrons reach   out to us directly. That way we can take a look at their account and   troubleshoot with them on our end.

 Feel free to direct patrons with technical difficulties or payment related   questions to our
Help   Center to send us a note. At the bottom of every article they’ll   find an “Email Patreon Support” button where they can get in touch with us.

 I hope this helps, rest assured we'll be here to help!
All the best,

Though in case it takes a while till it's fixed, the art shows up on patreon desktop version and I post it on discord ( https://discord.gg/9scgpgS ) as well so that you get the chance to see!

I hope you all have a happy new years and have had a great holiday otherwise!~<3



Didn't work, waiting for them to reply to me still.


It takes a bit, I wrote the 23rd of December, I assume it's because of the holidays that there might be some delay, but yeah, at the very least there are two other methods to see the art, I just hope they'll get back to you soon! I am just doing what I possibly can to get help for you all ah, So sorry for the inconvenience!


Going to have to log into Patreon web on my phone browser instead for the mean time


It sadly is what it is for now, thankfully that part still works, and if worst comes to shove, discord does have each art piece without fail ah