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It's nearing the end of the month! Time for a check in! 

How are you guys feeling???  

What are our thoughts on outtakes? They require about as much energy and time as a regular upload....would u rather ASMR content, rather than outtakes?  Or perhaps only certain outtakes, and not every one (like only deleted scenes, bloopers etc)

Anything you want to see?
Anything I offer that seems moot now?

I say this so I can streamline my efforts putting my energy into giving you better quality of what you want rather than things you do not care for! Win win efficiency!  

As you may recall I want to venture towards more intentional and creative content, so the upload schedule might become a bit slower as of, a month or two's time...so things will be as usual for a while yet before the change begins to be apparent.

Next year my weekly collab efforts is evolving into monthly- this will provide me more time to make more thoughtful entries and focus the energy of 3 videos into content ideas I came up with and focus more on that 1 entry :) , good news! :)  

Any feedback at all, negative or positive is highly welcome!

Feel free to toss down any requests for next months content too. I've mentioned I have LITERALLY 115 pages of ideas before so, I'm sure your idea aligns with one of mine and i'll give it my twist that I'm sure will be cool :)

I am in process of organising a few discord roles. (Discord is like a chat room, most commonly used by gamers). I was thinking a tier perk could be access to a voice channel where I could have some form of scheduled live asmr deal. And a higher tier perk could have access to another voice channel that I would pop on to here or there to ramble about whatever.  Just ideas...Of course if no one here uses discord I feel like a more useful perk could be used, let me know what you want, I'm rather clueless there :)

I have a twitch account but the idea of live broadcasting to the masses is still too terrifying to me yet! I'll investigate that at a later time :) 



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