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The last month of the year!! Wow…time’s really flown by, huh.

I wanna start by saying thank you, everyone. I‘m so grateful for the support you’ve given! Wouldn’t be living my life without yall. ❤️

Now, on to the usual business. As yall can see…THERE WILL BE THREE PINUPS THIS MONTH! A little holiday surprise for yall hehe

Nessa, Kobeni, and lastly Madeline, who has topped two pinup polls in a row, impressive! all of these pics will have a sfw version posted publicly to my social medias, and an nsfw version viewable only on Patreon.

Also, this month’s cosplay will be Power from Chainsaw Man! Some pics will be posted, but as usual most will be over here.

Oh and on that note, i’ll be uploading some of my old photoshoots to my Gumroad, for ppl who only wanna see the one thing. Doesnt really affect anything but just letting you know.

There will be no momination form or pinup poll this month. Instead, all patrons will get an end of year survey. This is as usual, the most important form of the year lol. If something bugs you with my current MO, or you wanna see something new from me, this will be your chance! The form will go up on the 2nd.

Well, that’s about it. Things got complicated and my personal thing i was dealing with got delayed, so a lot of my side projects have been too ;w; b

but regardless, we’re gonna have an awesome end of the year, and January will be full of cool changes and some new exciting stuff!




Cuuuttteee!!!! Girlssss!!!!