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Wew, this one was fun! I tried to really push myself and hope you enjoy.

i didnt have any problems this time. I think the reason the file corrupted on Aversa was the sheer size/complexity of the file. With the timelapse data, it was almost 700mb, so that prob was too much for my ipad to handle. I’ll rethink how I handle timelapse drawings in the future.




It's really unfortunate what happened to the Aversa daki. Have you tried using version control software like git and github to have a off site backup? I know it's a programming platform but it's really useful for sort of thing.


Thats an interesting idea, but the problem is i draw on an ipad, so my options are limited. I think I just have to not overload my device again and i’ll be good.


I'll leave you a link for git on IOS. I'm not saying you have to use it but it could help https://git-scm.com/download/gui/ios


After what happened i think its worth at least looking into, so thank you 🙏😔