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Hello! Alex here for a new Patreon post that I’ve been looking forward to!

The personality of each of your Parafolks is what will make them feel unique and human. It will also make your game sessions quite different depending on the choices you have made for the personality. Let’s dive into that! 🔒 This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thank you!

👩‍🏫 The Basics

  • 👩‍💼 In the Paramaker, you select various aspects of your personality
  • 🎮 While playing, you level up your personality to evolve it with new traits and perks
  • 💥 Personality traits have big impacts on the gameplay

🧠 The Personality Elements

Here’s the personality for a character named Rachel that I’ve just created:

Now, let me break down for you the various sections of the personalities in Paralives:


👉 Place points in these stats:

  1. Physique: How well your character does regarding physical strength, agility and general health
  2. Mind: How good your character is at things like problem solving, logic and mathematics
  3. Creativity: The ability of your Parafolks to create
  4. Charisma: This is for all things related to communication and leadership

By default, there will be one point in each stat and you will be able to spend 3 additional points in any stats you like. However, you can remove a point in a stat to set it to 0. Doing so, you will gain 1 extra point to place in another stat but your character will become disadvantaged in that stat. For instance, having zero points in Charisma might make social encounters more challenging.


This is the general impression your Parafolk gives. Each vibe will come with perks and particularities that will affect the gameplay in various ways.

👉 Pick one:

  • Grumpy
  • Overjoyed
  • Gloomy
  • Energic
  • Serious
  • Anxious
  • Jester
  • Peaceful

*More vibes may be added and this list is subject to change

Social Perk

Depending on the social perk you choose for your character, it will allow them to do better in certain social situations.

👉 Pick one:

  • Good at being alone
  • Good at making friends
  • Good at take caring care of others
  • Good at romantic relationships
  • Good with family

*More social perks may be added and the list is subject to change


Talents are linked to the skills that we have in Paralives. Any Parafolk can work on any skill in the game but if a character is talented in a skill category, it will come with perks that will help them progress in the associated skills.

👉 Pick one:

  • Music
  • Fitness
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Food
  • Visual arts
  • Jack of all trades
  • Good at nothing

*More talents may be added and this list is subject to change


Lifestyles are simpler traits to further customize your characters. They guide the decisions your characters will make when performing interactions autonomously.

👉 Pick as many as you want:

  • Vegetarian
  • Sleeping habits: early bird, night owl or standard
  • Cleaning habits: sloppy, neat or standard

*More lifestyles may be added later

🌟 Evolving your Personality

In Paralives, the personality isn’t static. As you play, your Parafolks will be able to level up their personality and select interesting upgrades to evolve their base personality.

Playing with your characters will progressively increase their personality level.

When your Parafolk gains a personality level, you will be able to upgrade an element of their personality. These upgrades will be powerful perks that will help your character in their everyday life.

Tell us what you think about all this in the comments below! We’re looking forward to sharing more examples of the many many interesting things you will be able to experience while playing based on the personalities of your different Parafolks.

Have a great weekend!


Edit - February 7, 2024: This post is now public, feel free to share it!


Megan Santucci

I really like that mental and creative stats are separate rather than e.g. the ongoing Sims dichotomy between logic and creativity. I myself am both nerdy and artistic so I like to be represented!!

Megan Santucci

I also LOVE the idea of being able to evolve and get new perks based on the choices our paras make.


This is really cool. Would it be possible to have like a "secondary vibe" that the para occasionally (be it random or triggered) operates off of, to give their personality some variety?


This is a great baseline, and I love that different paras have different strengths and weaknesses, but I’m missing some more specific personality traits like others have mentioned. I also think some sort of interests system would bring so much to a game like this, especially if it’s dynamic. For example someone growing up in a musical home with a bunch of instruments lying around will be more likely to pick up a guitar. Combined with an above average creativity stat, this could spark a potentially life-long interest in music, which would again affect what they do day to day, and who they’re likely to become friends with. That’s a para’s whole life fundamentally affected by a couple of simple choices made by the player. That’s the kind of stuff that makes it a true life-sim to me and not just a dollhouse where I have to make everything happen myself.


I would really love to see an option for their sexuality and their opinion about being in a romantic relationship, like for example some paras have commitment issues and will almost always say no to a relationship, but some other paras are hoplessly romantics and can't wait to be in a relationship. Some might not be interested in anything at all. Their opinions could change over time with experience, because as a teen you may have a different view on relationships then an adult for example. I would really love to see a system like that in the game, but I understand that something like that is very complicated to implement, just an idea! I am loving already how the game is turning out! ❤️


I really love this system! I do have one small note that I haven't seen anyone point out yet, but the word vibe worries me just because I feel like it could make the game feel dated in the long run given its tie to the current generations. Instead maybe something like a para's overall "character" could work. Just a little nitpick though, nothing really serious!

Alex Robitaille

This is wonderful, I can feel the depth within each parafolk already. Y'all are awesome!! So amazing, so much work done and under your belts so far! I hope y'all are proud of how far you have come! This system is so unique and cool and looks like it can get more in depth easily in different ways! <3

Alisa Yankina

This system feels unique, but a bit oversimplified, I understand that it's likely a draft. The most interesting part in life simulation games for me are highly diverse personalities which result in unique dynamics between the characters. I feel that there were plentiful options in Sims 3 for example, hope you add more in the future :)

Adamah Meir

LOVE this system! Feels much more immersive than less superficial things like favorite color, style, etc. Feels like playing a real person and adding some challenge to the game.


I forsee players creating amazing and individualized Paras with unique characteristics and personalities. Yes!!


I really like this. Also the points system reminds me of the Sims 2 which has had the most diverse characters in a life sim game to date, so that makes me excited for this.

Stephanie Marion

I loooooove this!!! 😍 Can't wait to be able to play this amazing looking game guys!

Trinity Smith

I think paras should also have weaknesses where their skills progress more slowly. It’s so realistic to practice soo much at something and still not be very good at it haha.

Trinity Smith

I also think there should be more negative traits and personality clashes. Not everyone gets along or likes each other. It adds more fun and drama to the game.