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Hey there, I hope you’re doing good!

Alex here to share progress updates on our work on the live mode 📝

⭐ Live Mode: A First Playable Version

As I quickly mentioned before, we are working on having a first basic live mode experience on which we will then be building upon. This first version will include:

  • 🍎 Needs: Hunger, hygiene, sleep and bathroom
  • 💪 Skills: 8 basic skills will be included
  • 💬 Conversations between characters to build relationships
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Perform some interactions as a group
  • 💼 Jobs and schools
  • 🙏 Wants
  • 😭 Emotions
  • 🤱 Pregnancy
  • 👴 Aging: From babies to elder
  • 💀 Death: Dying of old age and dying of hunger
  • 🙏 Autonomy: Characters can choose to do some interactions by themselves
  • ✨ Various secrets

We’ve made good progress on that already and our goal is to have this first playable version of the live mode ready in the coming months so that we can start testing the live mode as a whole internally, within the team. It will be hugely helpful for us because it will determine if the various secret features and innovations that we want to test are actually fun or if they need changes or improvements. We can’t wait to share more about this and give you sneak peeks of it!

👨‍💻 Live Mode: Adapting the Gameplay Based on Your Parafolks

In Paralives, every live mode gameplay system will be able to adapt itself based on the unique characteristics of your Parafolks. Us, developers as well as modders will be able to take advantage of that to create interesting gameplay twists that will make your characters feel alive and unique which should create great situations for the players to experience.

To achieve this, Jérémie recently built a system that allows developers and modders to choose conditions that should be evaluated to determine if the player can do X or Y in the game with their characters.

For instance this will allow:

  • ⏩ Showing very specific social interactions and conversation options based on the state of the relationship with another character
  • ⏩ Offering different interactions on an object in your house based on many things like the life stage of your character, their skills, their job and so on
  • ⏩ Choosing what the character autonomy will do based on their current needs and wants, their personality, etc
  • ⏩ Playing different character animations based on their skill level, the life stage and even things like the current weather or the memories of your characters
  • ⏩ Much, much more

In this early version of Anna’s death system, we have set up a rule so that the character will do the “Death by hunger” interaction if their hunger need is critical. The interface you are seeing in this screenshot is our in-game modding tools.

Here, we have a “Program a video game” interaction and it is set up so that it only becomes available in the interaction menu if you are level 4 or higher in the programming skill and if the needs of your character are not at a critical level.

We’re eager to share more in-game examples of the dynamic gameplay that this system will allow us to do!

📊 Poll: Live Mode Features

Please tell us: which live mode feature that we are currently working on are you most looking forward to learning more about? Vote in the poll below!





You didn't let us vote for the secrets XD Autonomy, Wants, Emotions and Skills (pretty much in that order) would be my priorities. To me they determine gameplay more than the rest. Aging, for instance, is a pretty passive thing (at least for the most part), so as a player I'm a bit less interested in that. Autonomy in particular is the hidden, but most important part : what the engine of Paralives determine, its ability to surprise me, its ability to create things for me to do and strategize for, are actually huge determiners of the interest of gameplay. Note : "it only becomes available in the interaction menu if you are level 4 or higher" would there be an icon or mention somewhere to see that the action exists BEFORE it's unlocked ? How do you know that working towards lvl 4 will reap that benefit ? Of course when it comes to "Program a video game" and the Programming skill, it seems self-explanatory, but it won't always be that way. Sometimes skills are more complex (like, let's say "Identify vegetable" at the supermarket if your Gardening skill is high).


Oh my goodness!! I'm getting so excited and I just can't hide it!! 🤣🥰🤩🎉🎉🎉

Ashley Strebel

i’m over the moon and so excited! I don’t know how the game plans on releasing, but i honestly rather wait another year or two instead of getting early access. every new game now is releasing in early access and i’d love to see a whole polished game come out, or a short and set period of early access. i’d love to see a demo though, to catch more audiences and all that without. idk but i’m excited so for paralives! i know it’s gonna be so good!


ça donne vraiment envie ce jeu ^^


im so excited!! i really want to see the jobs and schools, and of course all theother things <3 u all doing an amazing job


I am looking forward to each and every update but I did choose my most importants aspects. But the one thing that frustrated me the most in a game we won't mention, is the piece mealing of life stages, so please tell me that you plan on having all life stages intact in base game? Newborn, infant, toddler, child, tweener, teen, young adult, adult and elder. This would be the ultimate realism (said game doesn't even have tweener 10 to 13),and would by far be the best base game ever! You all are doing an amazing job thus far, so cannot wait to see what's coming ;)


I love gameplay built around Wants and Fears. When there's a robust system of wants and fears, and the game comes up with realistic ones, it gives my play style natural goals. I love for example when a major life incident happens and the character's wants and fears change as a reaction. It makes me curious to see what will happen next. Most importantly, I feel like I'm not just a puppeteer of mindless dolls.


I'm excited to learn more about the Autonomy Feature. I'd love to opt for free will and watch the Paras take action based on their personality besides fullfilling their basic needs.


I'd love to see basic needs beeing affected by personality traits not only in terms of how fast the status bar is falling and raising but also how fast the action/animation is. For example an overexcited active Para might need less sleep and digging food in as fast as possible, leaving all the dirty dishes behind because we gotta goooo, while a daydreaming Para might need some extra sleep or naps, eats a bit more slowly/consciously... and perhaps also leaves the dirty dishes behind :-)


The Animals T-T


I suspect that creating a good Parafolk autonomy can be difficult. I hope you will work hard on this aspect. I don't want my neighbor who visited me to suddenly decide to do some push-ups in the kitchen.... This has nothing to do with realism.


I mostly wonder if animations change depending on personality! In a certain other game I'm always disappointed by grouchy characters dancing like there's no tomorrow, and such

none beeswax

I would love it if you commit crimes if you actually have a jail interaction