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Hello everyone! Chloé here bringing you today’s Patreon post.

For the past year, we have been working on the art style of our furniture items, as well as vegetation and other world-related elements. We have been developing all this through a house that is a testing dummy with the sole purpose of validating the art style we aim to have in-game. We have recently showcased its interior, but today, Léa and I are happy to showcase the exterior of the house, as well as a snippet of other exterior elements. 

Original concept art I drew when I joined Paralives, which was shared in a previous Patreon post. So much has changed since then, it is quite exciting!

Other concept that I drew as we progressed on the house and solidified our vision on the art direction we were taking. It also better represents the more vibrant and unique feel we wanted to achieve with this house.

The house as it currently is! Its architecture has changed slightly over time as I got more familiar with the Quebec vernacular style I originally was inspired by. We also made the yard smaller than originally planned, to better fit the confined but cozy interior.

Closeup of the house’s garden. We’ve worked really hard on the style for the vegetation, but we think it really paid off! We hope players will enjoy creating gardens with our assets just as much as we’ve enjoyed creating said assets.

Closeup of the terrace area. I’m so jealous of this pleasant picnic area…

The house’s patio. Another cozy spot for a Para to enjoy some fresh air!

Closeup of the spot in the sunshade. This rock was briefly featured in the Maggie’s Summer showcase, but was originally created as part of this scene in order to test how we wanted rocks to look like.

Closeup of the disposal bins and bike. Please note that the bins, which are very Canadian-inspired, will not be the only options available, and the bicycle is not currently functional as a means of transportation!

The sky. I did a bit of work on our skies and atmosphere. Everything is hand painted!

Closeup of our gable and roof. Speaking of which, some team members weren’t familiar with rooster weathervanes until I decided to add one to the project! Is it really farm/cottage-core without at least one chicken/duck/flying friend item, though?

Is that…a road?! Or a morsel of it, at least?! 👀

Overall shot of the house and its yard.

Alternate color version of the house, which takes a bit more after the original sketch. Which of the two color palettes is your personal favorite?

It took a lot of work, but the team is really proud of how far we’ve come with this little house, which documents a bit our progress on developing the styles of our environments, our furniture items, etc!

We hope you enjoyed this little showcase. With that said, we wish you a lovely weekend!

Chloé and Léa ٩(^◡^)۶

Edit - February 9, 2023: This post is now public, feel free to share it!



everything looks so beautiful 🥹 I love seeing how refined and polished the game gets over time with yalls hard work n dedication 💜 It's like a dream come true 🫶

Christina Ozeki

Oh, I love the first one, the yellow colour, it looks bright and fun. :) Also, the garden, patio and additional items and landscaping are looking great! :)


So pretty! Yellow is definitely the best color!


some of the flowers could use details, like the tulips :')

Nathalie Carluccio


Sinjon Frank

I love the aesthetic of this game so much

Amanda Hannu Näckros

I'm so proud of this team! 😍 can't wait to starting the actual game! The beige house is more of my personal style but the yellow house is my favorite. It matches the style of the whole house.

Katie Bellissimo

Love getting a summary of everything from this year with little hints at future features thrown in! As always, great work!


the sky looks absolutely amazing


I'm so amazed by how beautiful this is all coming along, I know I have to be patient but I can't wait to be able to play this and immerse myself <3


I remember I used to love yellow houses with red roofs 😍


As much as i like the vibrancy of the first one i kind of like the second color variation