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Hello there, Alex here for another update about our progress on the simulation aspect of Paralives: the live mode.

Before that, here’s a couple of pictures from Tuesday afternoon when we signed almost 600 postcards for Patreon supporters on the Hero and Legend tiers! If that’s you, you should get your postcard within 3 weeks, depending on the speed of the postal services from Canada to different places around the world. Please send me a private message here on Patreon if we’re a month from now and you still didn’t get it!

Léa and Sonia signing postcards.

Our hands hurt after signing for 2 hours but it was really fun nonetheless!

Interaction Queue  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

For the first time, here’s Paralives’s interaction queue! When you use the interaction menu to order your Paras to do actions like “Cook”, “Use toilet”, “Do push ups”, etc, they are added to this interaction queue and the Para will do the interactions in the order that they were selected.

We added a neat little feature that allows you to reorder the pending interactions in the queue. It comes in very useful when you realize that your Para is hungry and that they should eat before doing the other interactions you had planned for them.

The current interaction that your Para is performing is on the left and the others are queued interactions that you can reorder. If the above animated GIF is not playing, try opening this Patreon post on a computer instead of a mobile device.

The style of this interface is still a work in progress. We are also looking into other interesting features that we can add to the interaction queue like being able to say that the character can perform an interaction for X hours or until they level up their skill, for instance, among other ideas that Anna mentioned in a Patreon post from a while back.

Character Selection Marker  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

In Paralives, you can play with multiple characters so it’s important to have some kind of marker that highlights which of your Parafolks is currently selected. Recently, we made it so right-clicking on a character marks them as the selected Para and a simple circle is then shown under them (left-clicking a character will open the interaction menu).

Right-click on one of your household’s characters or on their portrait in the interface to select them. Please excuse the low quality of this animated GIF! If it is not playing for you, try opening this Patreon post on a computer instead of a mobile device.

The style of this selection circle is not final and we are brainstorming about other cool ways to highlight the selected character. One of the ideas we had was to animate and change the color and shape of that circle depending on the mood of the character so that players can easily know the status of their selected Para. Feel free to share in the comments below if you have ideas related to that!

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the day!



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