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    Hoi! It's been a while since the last update and I wanted to let you guys in the plans I have in mind and some changes I'm gonna be applying. This is going to be a long one, so scroll down and read the TLDR; if you're in a rush! 

A quick update on my personal life, this week I won't be able to do much of  anything because I have a dentist appoitment scheduled for tomorrow and I'm gonna be in a lot of pain! 💀

    Recently I've been feeling very burned out in general. In the past few months, lots of things from: issues irl and an ever-growing pile of unfinished sketches have been on my mind. 

    I wanted to make this update to announce that I will no longer be making Drawpiles or Image-sets starting with the month of September, at least until I've got all of this figured out. I'll still be making this month's Image-set featuring T-Bone from the "SWAT KATS". But the Image-sets on the first day of the month, Drawpiles on the last day of the month, and sketch requests on the second Thursday of the month are all going to be replaced by something easier to manage and to remember starting in September!

What to expect in August?

    Even though I'm gonna be in bed all week, this week's page of Honey-Glazed-Carrots will be released normally. Today, I'm gonna start work on the Image-set, but I don't think  I'll be able to finish it until next week. 

   I'll be making a pin-up featuring Karou and Bax on Sunday the 7th. And I'll most likely be back at the dentist's on Tuesday the 9th. I'll be opening the Last Sketch Request Thursday on the 11th. So make sure to stay tuned to our Discord that day. I'm unsure if I'm gonna be able to release a new page on the 12th, so check on the comic's Discord Channel that week, where I'll announce if the page is ready for release or not!

  The third week of August will be spent entirely on working on the comic, getting as many pages done as possible! If you have access to WIP channels in our server, you'll be able to see the WIPs of each page there when they're available. 3 commission slots will be opening on Friday the 19th.

   On Sunday 21st, I'll be releasing a new Pinup featuring Avalock Clops and Lao "Royal" Leopard (Musky bois). And a new page of Coach's Training is planned to release on Thursday the 25th.

The last Drawpile will release on Wednesday 31st featuring all the characters that lost our last poll! 

What's the new  system called?

    I'm gonna be calling it Sketch-Days for now, because I can't think of a better name! Since Mondays are always the laziest days for me, I decided making a sketch with you guys might be the best way to actually start the week! One day, when I get a better mic, I'll start doing these in a livestream! The Sketch-Days will be happening every Monday on our Discord server. I'll be opening for requests and I'll be choosing among the suggestions which one to draw! Every sketch would be timed, with higher tiers getting more time to refine each drawing!

Does that mean I'm gonna be releasing Less art?

   No, quite the opposite actually! The problem with the previous system is that the end of the month was always busy with a bunch of stuff for me to draw, which was quite overwhelming and ended with me rushing pieces to meet a deadline. The new system is gonna be back to weekly sketches, sometimes featuring your OCs, other times featuring a cool character you wanna see me draw! But always coming out on time, which probabaly beats uploading an image-set a whole week later! Also, it's just way more fun for everyone!

Will I be able to get these sketches turned into a full picture?

    Yes, but you're gonna have to pay a small fee and wait until the next sketch-day for that! Both the sketches and the finished images are all going to be posted on Patreon, and eventually published everywhere else, it's up to you whether you wish to be tagged or not! 

What are the advantages of that over Drawpiles and Sketch Requests?

    Like mentioned before, the biggest advantage this system has over drawpiles is frequency, while Drawpiles only happened at the end of the month, and the Sketch requests were only open on the second Thursday of the month; these Sketch Days will be happening weekly. I'll only be taking the suggestions I wanna draw, so I'll be giving my best on each one. 

    You might be confused about the inclusion of a timer, the reasoning for the timer is to avoid having to make confusing rules on "how many characters can be featured?" or "is it going to be colored?". The timer simplifies the rules, if it's something I can draw in under 5 or 10 minutes, it's game!

 What about the image-sets?  

I'll be honest with you, image sets are a lot of work to manage! This won't be the last you'll see of them, but while I try to get a good system going, I hope you guys can be a little patient with me! 😅

The August image set might be the last one I work on for a while, but I hope weekly sketches can make up for it! This isn't all I've got planned for September, if you stick with me for one more month, I'll let you know what the plans for the "Earth, Wind & Fire" month are! 

TLDR; I'm replacing the Drawpile and Image-sets with timed weekly sketch requests. But I made that sound super hard to explain for some reason. 

I hope you stick with me for a bit longer, I'm sorry I haven't been able to draw as much as I want to! I hope these following months I'm back at releasing weekly pinups and a bunch of fanart ^^



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