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Hello everyone

First of all I have to thank you again for the support you are giving me! <3

with this post I would like to explain to you what my next works are for the next month.

right now I'm trying to learn various things. the new program and new methods to create increasingly original animations.

unfortunately there are several problems, the first of these concerns the new program I'm using, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be ready to be used yet, but with this I don't stop using it to do some growing animation.

The other problem, as always, concerns my health, unfortunately I am suffering a lot in this period and this is why I have not brought any content this week, but I have not stopped working on it.

my goal will always be to bring you exclusive content and to do my best.

what am I working on right now:

basis for 3 animations: 2 with daddy & son and one growing on the street.

continuous animation of the cat and wolf on the bed.

(sorry for my bad english)




No worries! Your health is most important during these times! Get well soon! ❤️❤️


Thanks &lt;3 but look what happen to my model on s2fm :C https://i.imgur.com/jBG8ZxN.png


You are very talented! I am sure you can figure it out! ❤️