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Hello everyone.

I wanted to write this post to clarify something.

I am sorry to see people leave my patron before the end of the month, also because I don't know the reason for their decision. Am I doing a bad job? don't I satisfy you? I didn't think that patreon was so stressful ... but really guys, I'm putting all my passion and time into it, I know very well that I don't publish so much material, but I'm dedicating many hours a day to make content for you all.

animations take a very long time and the new images that I'm turning out are full of details and are evolving more and more.

A big hug. Zilla


in a few days I will update the tiers for animations (prices will not change)


Wolfie Randolf

Don't take people leaving personally, even if they don't leave a reason. I myself have had to leave certain people's patreon's multiple times because of financial difficulties (losing a job or having one but a REALLY low paycheck that I wasn't expecting due to inaccuracies in accounting, etc. Sometimes a HUGE expense would come up, stuff like that. Sometimes people have to leave for reasons (not necessarily financially involved). Some like me, will almost always come back when the money's there again. But at least I leave a comment on my way out so they know why heh. And NO you're not doing anything wrong. You're doing GREAT and getting much MUCH better as you go. One thing you need to realize with stuff like patreon is that people will leave and others will come, you'll have down months where you have hardly any patreons but then next you may break records for yourself with how many come in. (it's the same with youtube). Just keep putting out content regardless of how many subscribers you have and it'll keep going up as you get better ;). Never let yourself stray from making content for long though, that's the hardest part - the burnout. It'll happen, trust me, all the biggest and best have gone through it (markiplier, amoung a few ;) ). Just have fun though, that's the key :).

ZillaStudio (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-17 22:32:32 I do not know how to thank you. you took away from me a great weight that I had from the beginning of this patreon. Yes, sometimes I faced this burnout problem, but I had to get it out of my head because people are supporting me to see new and quality content. I always do my best and will continue to do so! thank you so much <3
2019-06-20 08:29:20 I do not know how to thank you. you took away from me a great weight that I had from the beginning of this patreon. Yes, sometimes I faced this burnout problem, but I had to get it out of my head because people are supporting me to see new and quality content. I always do my best and will continue to do so! thank you so much <3

I do not know how to thank you. you took away from me a great weight that I had from the beginning of this patreon. Yes, sometimes I faced this burnout problem, but I had to get it out of my head because people are supporting me to see new and quality content. I always do my best and will continue to do so! thank you so much <3