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Dungeons and Dragons has inspired some of the great monsters of pop-culture didn't it?  But this post isn't about Jello.  Well maybe?  No - No, it's about you.

Thanksgiving here in the US gives us the chance to step back a little to reflect on things we are thankful for. 

I am doing exactly that.  And as I sit in my office, that, brings me to you.

Because Thanksgiving is a special season, I want to let you know that I appreciate you every single day.  

YOU have helped support the site – special thank you to you!

You are the real hero of the Vault.

I hope you will have the opportunity to take some down time and spend it with your families, whether in-person or virtually. (of course - to play that much needed one shot Turkey murder hobo session!)

So with that,  May your stuffing be tasty. Your Jello be firm and cold, May your turkey plump, may your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. 

May your yams be delicious, and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs. 

...and if you don't believe/do all that other stuff - May all your rolls be not burnt and be 20s!

It is comforting to see this community thrive and makes me proud to be part of it all.   

Happy Thanksgiving from me to you!

Thank you again for the +888 inspiration bonus!  I really am grateful for you being you.




Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 00:22:14 Thanks for all your good work keeping DMV alive! <3
2021-11-26 23:29:54 Thanks for all your good work keeping DMV alive! <3

Thanks for all your good work keeping DMV alive! <3